14th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies

[LANE 2026]


September 06 - 10, 2026 in Fürth, Germany

Proceedings  - 

What is special about LANE ?

Modern research has to act on social, economic and environmental developments to provide solutions for the existing and upcoming global challenges. For this reason, LANE offers a platform for an international exchange of ideas, opinions, perspectives, results and solutions concerning photonic technologies. In order to give a detailed overview, the conference aims not only at scientific contributions, but integrates the industrial perspective and their relevance for application as well.

High scientific standard

To ensure a certain quality of the contributions, a double-blind review process will be carried out by the members of our International Review Committee consisting of renowned experts.


Science meets Industry

Progress needs the integration of the scientific

as well as the industrial point of view. That's why scientific and industrial contributions are part of the conference program. 

Unique Atmosphere

Beyond engaging presentations and exciting scientific exchange, an essential part of LANE
is creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for participants. Diverse evening events hold numerous opportunities to network and
socialize altogether in a relaxed environment.


Digital Features
Specially for LANE, a conference app will be

set up, offering participants the convenience

to get in touch with other attendees prior to

the conference. In addition, numerous other          

                                          functions are available to digitally support

                                          the conference, such as the  organization of 

                                          individual schedules.

Best Presentation Award 

The author who gives the best presentation
is going to win a prize money and will be entitled to give a talk at the plenary session 
of LANE 2026. All LANE participants are authorized to             



Knights of Laser Technology

The Knights of Laser Technology, together with the editors and the local organisation committee form the scientific scope of LANE and take care

of the relevance of the topics and contributions. LANE takes place under their patronage.

We thank your sponsors and exhibitors of LANE 2024!

LANE 2024 is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – project number 548054885.