The "LANE Best Presentation Award" honors the most inspiring talks presented by the most professional speakers of the conference. The three winners will be elected by the conference paticipants. The basis of voting for the best presentations should be the style of the talks as well as its contents. Keynote talks of the plenary session are not eligible.
The first place will be endowed with a price money of € 1,000 and a talk during the plenary session at LANE 2026. The second and third place is rewarded with a prize money of € 500 each.
The LANE 2024 Best Presentation Award is kindly sponsored by Förder- und Freundeskreis für den Ausbau der Lasertechnologie an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. (FFL e.V.).
First place:
Mirko Sinico, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Second place:
Sophie Grabmann, Technical University Munich, Germany.
Third place:
Avelino Zapata, Technical University Munich, Germany.
“Direction-independent temperature monitoring for Laser Metal Deposition with coaxial wire feeding”
Winner of the Arduino IoT Kit (Vote Best Presentation Award: Marta Ostalza Gaztelupe, Spain
Winner of the Raspberry Pi (Survey Feedback): Laura Budde, Germany
Troy Allen, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.
First place:
Antoni Artinov, Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, Germany.
Second place:
Dennis Arntz, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Third place:
Manish Sharma, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
“Laser metal deposition of lattice structures by columnar built-up”.